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Capra aegagrus hircus


The Australian miniature goat was developed by pairing smaller stature animals, both purebred and cross breeds, with small Australian rangeland goats. Careful selection by registered breeders has produced a healthy, smaller goat that breeds true to type. There are a wide range of colours available. There are several ear types including pixie, munchkin and elf. 


Height is measured at the wither of the goat. Acceptable heights of fully grown goats vary from 57-63.5cm for does and 62.5 - 65.5cm for bucks, depending on number of registered generations and association.  


We  encourage diversity and are members of both the AABMGS and MGBA registries for miniature goats in Australia.






Australian Miniature Goat - Price guide 

Prices vary depending on Pedigree, height,the number of registered generations etc. and are subject to change at any time:

Bucks -        $550 to  $1800

Does -          $350 to  $1000

Wethers -    $150 to  $ 300



Pygmy goats originated in West Africa and were imported into Europe and the USA. Their short stature was originally due to achondroplastic dwarfism  - leading to short legs, a plump body and a short head. 

The pygmy goat breed is being developed in Australia using imported semen and embryos from the USA. These genetics are being crossbred with select miniature goats to produce the Australian Pygmy Goat.  To ensure you are getting what you pay for, it is recommended that you purchase registered pygmy goats.  


We will have 25% pygmy wethers, bucks and some doe kids available in late October 2016


Pygmy Goat Price Guide

All prices are subject to change without notice at any time

Bucks                                         Does 
62.5%  $3000 - $4000              62.5% $3000 - $4000
50%     $2000 - $3000              50%     $1500 -  $2500
25%     $1000 - $1500                25%     $1000 - $1500   
12.5%  $  400 - $  700                12.5%  $  400 - $  700


Wethers from $500


A great place to find out more about the breed and keep up to date with what is happening can be found at the AUSTRALIAN PYGMY GOAT FACEBOOK GROUP 



The Nigerian Dwarf is a miniature dairy goat of West African origin. They were imported into the USA, where the breed was developed further to have a conformation similar to that of the larger dairy goat breeds. At great cost and time, these genetics  (semen and embryos) have recently been imported into Australia as live goat imports into Australia are not permitted for biosecurity reasons. To develop the breed in Australia, registered Australian Nigerian Dwarf  (ND) goats are being bred up through a grading system to a recognised full blood percentage. These crosses are being completedwith both miniature goats and high quality dairy goats, depending on the priority of the breeder. 


We will have 37.5% ND Bucks, wethers and some does available  for sale mid 2017.


Nigerian Dwarf Goat Price Guide - 

All prices are subject to change without notice at any time

Bucks                                         Does 

75   %     $4000 -  $5000            75   %    $4500 - $5500

62.5%     $3000 - $4000            62.5%    $3500 - $4500
50   %     $2000 -  $3000            50   %    $2000 - $3500

37.5%     $  750  -  $1500            37.5 %    $1000  - $1500

25   %     $  550 -  $ 1000            25    %    $ 650  -  $1000
12.5%     $  440 -  $ 550              12.5 %    $ 450  -  $ 650


Wethers from $400


There is a wealth of information about the ND at the NDGA website:

A cute elf eared buck

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